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Vice President

GOLANIProfessor Boaz Golany is the Vice President for External Relations and Resource Development and the incumbent of the Samuel Gorney Chair in Engineering at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

Since 1986, Prof. Golany has been a faculty member at the William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management (IE&M), serving as Associate Dean for Teaching (1994-1999) and as Dean (2006-2011). He holds a BSc (Summa Cum Laude) in IE&M from the Technion (1982), and a PhD from the School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin (1985).

Prof. Golany has served as an Area Editor and member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Productivity Analysis, IIE Transactions, Omega, and Operations Research. He has published over 80 papers in refereed journals and over 15 book chapters. His publications are in the areas of Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, and Management Science. In recent years he has also addressed issues of homeland security and counter terrorism. He has supervised over 40 graduate students, some of whom now serve as faculty in Israeli universities and colleges.

Prof. Golany has served as a consultant to numerous companies and agencies in Israel and the USA. These include government agencies, energy companies, and companies in the financial sector, manufacturing, services, and information technology. He is married to Rachel and has three children, Yanai, Inbal, and Tomer. He is a sports enthusiast where his favorite hobby is mountain biking, and he is a proud member of the Carmel Mountain Bike Club (CMBC).